Video title: Deep liquid Drum and bass #38 (2021 mix)

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Deep liquid  Drum and bass #38 (2021 mix)


1. Monroe - Out of time  - 0.00 - 4.44
2. Spectator - Dopamin  - 4-44 - 9.44
3. Keylayx & Stimpy - Wet Wind -  9.44 - 15.00
4. Alpha Rhythm - Interstellar -15.00 - 20-15
5. Alpha Rhythm - Everfrost  - 20-15 - 24.30
6. Spectator  - Youth - 24.30 - 28-38
7.Mystific - Juno,s Way - 28.38 - 32.00
8.Henry - Dystopia - 32.00 - 36.33
9.Sustance - Be Forgiven - 36.33 - 40 -30
10.Bladerunner - Don't let me go - 40.30 - 44.50
11. Keeno - Antiphony - 44.50 -  48.22 
12. Unknown Artist - its a fine day - 48.22 - 53.45
13. Blade - Groovie  Movie - 53.45 - 60.00

#frankyspinz  #pureliquid

shout out to 84Lens @pexels for quality video


franky spinz, pure liquid, drum and bass, dnb, ukf, man from del monte


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Deep liquid  Drum and bass #38 (2021 mix) Standard quality (480p)
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Deep liquid  Drum and bass #38 (2021 mix) Medium (360p)